Navy seamarshall aboard MV Aquinas hailed as hero

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine Navy on Saturday hailed an enlisted man detailed as a seamarshall aboard MV St. Thomas Aquinas for his heroism after the ferry sank following a collision with a cargo ship off the coast of Talisay City, Cebu.

Navy spokesman Lt. Comdr. Gregory Fabic said Seaman First Radarman (S1RD) Richard Pestillos helped the Aquinas crew distribute life vests and jackets to the passengers before jumping off the ship before it sank on Friday night.

While in the water, Pestillos was also able to save five passengers, including two children.

"But his persistence of saving people did not end there and while on water, S1RD Pestillos was able to rescue and bring to a life raft two children and five adults, before he was eventually rescued himself by the crew of freighter M/V Sulpicio 7," Fabic said.

Fabic said Pestillos suffered contusions in the back and is now in a stable condition at the Pier 4 Hotel in Cebu.

Coast Guard and Navy divers have been dispatched to search and rescue the missing passengers of the ill-fated ferry.

The Philippine Coast Guard said that as of 2 p.m., a total of 31 people have been confirmed killed and 172 more remained missing.

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