Navy gunboat stranded, a 'victim of Labuyo'

A Philippine Navy patrol boat was stranded at a beach in Casiguran, Aurora storm-tossed by Typhoon Labuyo last Monday.

MANILA, Philippines - After typhoon "Labuyo" ravaged Aurora earlier this week, the Philippine Navy patrol gunboat BRP Liberato Picar (PG-377) was found grounded on the shores of Dibacong area in Casiguran on Thursday.

The 78-foot vessel was supposed to deliver relief goods to the province when it was found stranded on the beach while its crew attempted to push it back into the water.

Navy spokesperson Lt. Cmdr. Gregory Fabic said the vessel was buffeted by strong winds and big waves and had been been damaged but remains operational.

"The vessel was a victim of 'Labuyo'. It was stationed in the area when the typhoon began its onslaught, and tried to take shelter near Casiguran," Fabic said.

None of the crew was reported injured.

While Fabic did not disclose details on its damage, reports said the gunboat's communication equipment was impaired.

"It sustained minor damage but its hull is intact and it had no water intake," Fabic added.

The official said an assessment team has been sent to Casiguran to check the extent of the damage.

Labuyo has left country Monday night after making a landfall in Aurora and affecting the rest of Northern Luzon. The typhoon left eight dead.

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