Hate page, deport petition vs Dutch activist in SONA

Screengrab of the Facebook page "Filipinos against Foreign Interference in Filipinas"

MANILA, Philippines - After a Dutch activist shouted at a "crying cop" during the State of the Nation Address (SONA) protests, netizens have created a Facebook page against "foreign interference" in local politics.

The Facebook page "Filipinos against Foreign Interference in Filipinas" was created on Tuesday and aims to "provide a voice to Filipinos who have been marginalized by continued foreign interference in Filipinas political affairs."

The page shows photos of Dutch National Thomas van Beersum with policeman Jose Sevilla and Professor Joma Sison, founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines.

Van Beersum came to the country as a delegate of the International Conference on Human Rights and Peace in the Philippines and attended the SONA protests last Monday. He was seen in a viral photo screaming at Sevilla, who broke down to tears while trying to disperse the protesters.

Related story: Dutch urges SONA 'crying cop': Join protesters

"This page is created to protest Foreigners' interference in Filipinas political affairs by engaging in political activities such as mass actions and rallies. Likewise, we call on the Filipino government to protect its political and sovereign integrity. Foreigners who disregard this should be declared persona non grata," the caption on van Beersum's photo said.

A short letter, originally found at vincenton.com, was also posted on the Facebook page addressed to the top officials of the country.

"We humbly request the presence / attention of our dear Government of La Republica de Las Islas Filipinas, to please do the appropriate action and hopefully he will be deported immediately, and shall be forever ban (sic) from coming into our country," the letter said.

As of posting, the Facebook page has only garnered 251 likes.

Meanwhile, a petition for deportation was also created for Van Beersum, who was described as one who "sows violence, instigates people to revolt, berates policeman."

The petition, created on change.org by one Jimmy Ingles from Quezon City, also seeks to declare the Dutch national as persona non-grata.

The petition has only gained 104 supporters as of posting.

Palace: Beersum a 'Flying Dutchman'

In his open letter to Sevilla, Van Beersum said he attended the SONA protest because he had been "outraged by the human rights violations committed by the corrupt Aquino regime."

"I am tired of the extrajudicial killings, the illegal arrests, the forced demolitions, the land-grabbings, the puppetry to US-imperialism, tired of all the oppression and exploitation of the workers, farmers, students, women, indigenous, urban poor, LGBTs, and all other oppressed groups," he said in his open letter posted on his Facebook page.

While he praised Sevilla for his actions, Van Beersum also urged him to "take responsibility" and join protesters in opposing "the crimes of the state and against the violent forces that exist purely to defend that state."

You alone are responsible for your actions. I hope to see you again next year, during the SONA protest of 2014. But then I hope that we will be on the same side... Together in upholding the interests of the Filipino people," Van Beersum said.

He said he was one of the 41 activists injured during the SONA protest.

On Wednesday, Presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda cited Van Beersum's letter and said: "Apparently, the left has a Flying Dutchman amongst them."

He also condemned the violence during the SONA protests and praised the police for "maintaining peace and order."

"It was clear who started the confrontation," Lacierda said of the protesters. "This is not the way to express your grievances. You don't do it violently."

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