86 dead in Army-BIFF clashes in Maguindanao

MANILA, Philippines - As many as 86 persons have been killed in clashes in Central Mindanao in the days leading to the resumption of the peace talks and the celebration of the holy month of Ramadan, the military said Monday.

Maj. Gen. Romeo Gapuz, chief of the 6th Infantry Division, said they have received reports that 80 members of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) had been killed in law enforcement operations conducted last week.

Government forces, meanwhile, suffered six fatalities including an Army lieutenant who died in a landmine attack last Saturday in Shariff Saidona Mustapha, Maguindanao.

Gapuz said the information that 80 BIFF members had been slain was based on reports from the ground.

“They (soldiers) only saw 18 (bodies). We cannot just retrieve them because that is against their customs and tradition,” Gapuz said, noting that Muslims immediately bury their dead.

“On our part we have six killed, one officer and five enlisted personnel and we have two wounded in action,” he added.

Security forces conducted law enforcement operations in response to recent attacks of the BIFF, which broke away from the MILF due to differences.

BIFF has vowed to sabotage the peace process between the government and the MILF and to fight for Bangsamoro independence.

Army reports said the BIFF has conducted sporadic attacks on civilian communities and military detachments since last month.

Last June 19, the BIFF attacked civilians in barangay Bagumbayan in President Quirino, Sultan Kudarat, killing a farmer and a militia man.

On that same day, the BIFF troops led by a certain Uztads Zukarno Sapal also harassed a patrol base of the 33rd Infantry Battalion in the same community

The BIFF also launched a series of attacks during the commemoration of Ramadan last year.

Quiet for now

Gapuz said they have called off their operations late Saturday in deference to the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

“The only clearance given to us by the joint (government-MILF) panel is three days to conduct the law enforcement operations, so we have to abide by that because we do not want to derail the peace process,” he said.

Gapuz, nevertheless, said they are prepared to thwart any attack to be staged by the BIFF forces.

“When it (BIFF atrocities) is happening in plain view, it is not proper for the AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) and PNP (Philippine National Police) not to react,” he said.

Col. Dickson Hermoso, spokesman of the Army’s 6th division, said the area became quiet after the three-day operation.

“They (BIFF) are now scattered. Perhaps they are dizzy because of the encounter so it’s quiet now,” he said.

Hermoso said operations were conducted in Barangay Ganta in Shariff Saydona Mustapha town and Barangay Damablas in Datu Piang, both in Maguindanao.

“These are their (BIFF) strongholds. They no longer have a base because we captured Camp Omar in 2012 so they converge in the two barangays,” he saud.

Hermoso said they would continue to remain vigilant to preempt atrocities and to ensure the peaceful commemoration of the Ramadan.


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