Gov't probing missing P4M 'mutawif'

COTABATO CITY, Philippines   --- The regional office here of the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos is investigating  on the missing P4-million worth of “mutawif” paid by local prospective pilgrims that failed to leave for Saudi Arabia during the 2012 hajj season.

The pilgrims failed to depart for Mecca, Saudi Arabia due to lack of flights and failure to comply with other documentary requisites.

The term mutawif is Arabic for contributions and payments for travelling expenses, including airfare for the hajj.

“It doesn’t mean that because they failed to leave for the hajj, they will also lose their rights over their mutawif,” Hadji Mama Arba, NCMF’s director for Region 12, told reporters Thursday.

Arba said the missing funds were collected from about 160 applicants, who each paid P26,000 worth of mutawif.

Arba said the money was collected by an agent of a private airfare booking outfit who “mysteriously disappeared.” Arba did not elaborate.

Arba said the missing mutawif should be recovered before the NCMF’s processing of travels for the next Hajj season, to be preceded by the month-long observance of the Ramadhan fasting month to begin with the sighting of the new moon anytime next week.

”We are now addressing this issue of missing funds,” he said.

Arba said the regional office here of the NCMF will continue to accept applications for the 2013 hajj activity until July 8.

Performing the hajj to Mecca, for those who can afford the cost of travel, is one of the so-called “five pillars” of the Islamic faith, which include absolute belief in Allah, praying five times a day facing the west, giving of zakat or alms to the poor, and fasting at daytime during the month of Ramadhan.  - John Unson

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