Makati plastic ban starts June 20

MANILA, Philippines - The city-wide ban on the use of plastic packaging in Makati will start on Thursday (June 20) with the city government's Department of Environmental Services deploying 49 monitoring teams.

Makati Mayor Jejomar Erwin Binay said the monitoring teams will be checking on shops and restaurants in the city for compliance to the Plastic Regulation Order.

Binay said the team members deputized to enforce the ban have been briefed extensively on the legal basis and contents of Executive Order (EO) No. 007 series of 2012, which bans the use, sale and distribution of plastics and other non-biodegradable materials such as Styrofoam (polystyrene) as packaging materials.

“We have made sure that our monitoring teams are fully prepared to recognize violations of the ban during their inspection and to take appropriate action in accordance with the provisions of the executive order and the Solid Waste Management Code of Makati,” Binay said.

Under the said code enacted in 2003 through City Ordinance No. 2003-095, the nine-year grace period for compliance to the provision on “Use of Environment-Friendly Materials” had ended on Dec. 31, 2012.

Binay extended the deadline to June 20 of this year through the said EO to “give establishments ample time to deplete their inventories and replace these with environment-friendly materials.”

Binay said individual violators will be fined P1,000 or imprisoned for five days to 30 days, or both at the discretion of the court. An errant corporation or establishment will be fined P5,000, or the owner may be imprisoned from 30 days to a year, or both at the court’s discretion. If warranted, the business permit or license may also be cancelled, he said.

In a report to the Mayor, DES chief Danilo Villas said members of the monitoring teams were briefed on Tuesday, June 18, about prohibited packaging materials defined in the EO, relevant provisions of the code, and the guidelines in the distribution and issuance of apprehension tickets.

Villas said each monitoring team is composed of at least four members representing Makati Action Center, Makati Health Department, Liga ng mga Barangay, Business Permits Office, Economic Enterprise Management Office and DES.

The monitoring teams have been designated to monitor the compliance of all supermarkets, public markets, shopping malls/department stores, restaurants, fast food chains, convenience stores, canteens, eateries and similar establishments to the ordinance.

Under the Code’s section on the “Use of Environment-Friendly Materials,” these establishments are prohibited from selling, using or distributing plastic bags for use as primary or secondary packaging on dry goods, or as secondary packaging for wet goods. The sale, use or distribution of Styrofoam (polystyrene) and other materials with non-biodegradable components that are being used as containers for food, drinks, dining utensils and beverages is also strictly prohibited.

The EO issued by Binay last December has also made specific distinction between “primary” and “secondary” packaging materials and exempts certain products from the plastic ban.

Primary packaging materials are defined as “first level product packaging that contains the item sold,” which are used for wet produce, snack foods, frozen foods, and hardware, among others. On the other hand, secondary packaging materials are “those used to provide support for wet goods with primary packaging,” usually for the convenience of the handler or customer.

In lieu of plastic shopping bags, the management may provide, for free or for a fee, paper bags, cloth bags, basket/woven bags made from biodegradable packaging materials, woven native bags and other similar materials in lieu of plastic shopping bags.

Among the products exempted from the ban are plastic bottled products like bottled water, iced tea, cooking oil, alcohol, mayonnaise, jelly, peanut butter, coco jam, and the like. Also included in the exemption are plastic sachet products like shampoo and conditioner, soap/detergent, noodles; cosmetics; cigarette case; plastic bags used as primary packaging on wet goods with thickness of 15 microns above, and other similar products.

Meanwhile, all covered establishments are also required to place a clearly marked “Plastic Bag Recovery Bin” at entrances and exits that are visible and accessible, for the purpose of collecting, recycling and disposal of plastic bags.

Barangay halls are likewise required to have the same clearly marked recovery bins that will serve as drop-off points to collect plastic bags from barangay residents. DES will coordinate with reputable recyclers/organized junkshop operators for the proper collection, transportation, recycling and disposal of plastic bags dropped in the said bins.

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