NCRPO sacks 49 more cops

MANILA, Philippines - The National Capital Region Police Office on Monday announced that it has dismissed 49 erring policemen since June 7 this year.

NCRPO police director Leonardo Espina said he has also ordered the demotion of 51 police officers and suspension of 67 others.

"We encourage the public to help us improve our performance. I ask the public to report immediately the good deeds of their police so we can duly recognize them. While I assure that all complaints against erring policemen are acted upon instantly," Espina said. 

The latest sanctions imposed on the NCRPO personnel bring to  a total of 165 police personnel dismissed from PNP service, 108 demoted and 258 suspended since NCRPO strengthened its campaign on cleaning police ranks that started on September 7 last year.

Espina, on the other hand, awarded commendations to 10,966 police officers since the same period.

Awarded policemen were recommended to the Regional Personnel and Records Management Division by their immediate supervisor based on their accomplishment. 

Meanwhile, dismissed and penalized policemen were charged administratively by their complainants for grave misconduct due to Absence Without Official Leave for more than 30 days, robbery extortion, serious physical injury related to violation of Republic Act 7610 (Violence Against Women and the Children), failure to attend in court hearing, negligence of duty, murder, homicide, rape, illegal possession/use of prohibited drugs and others.

All cases were investigated by the Regional Investigation and Detective Management Division and designated Summary Hearing Officers, reviewed by the Discipline, Law and Order Section and finalized by the NCRPO Legal Service within 30 days before sanction and recommendation were implemented.

Espina said the NCRPO will continue to recognize good policemen and penalize erring personnel. 

"NCRPO will only allow true policemen by heart and deeds to stay in the organization. Erring, abusive policemen have no right to be part of the organization," Espina said.

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