MILF issues directive on fighters' carrying of firearms

MANILA, Philippines - The leadership of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has issued a directive, asking all its members not to carry firearms and wear their fatigue uniforms in public places.

MILF Chief of Staff Sammy Almanzur also asked Moro fighters to carry their firearms only if they are engage in official peace events.

Almanzur also reminded MILF members that they are only allowed to wear uniforms and carry firearms inside the perimeters of Camp Darapan in Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao and during special events.

The military, meanwhile, praised the latest directive from the MILF leadership.

“The Philippine Army welcomes the act of the MILF in issuing an order dissuading its field members from carrying firearms and using military fatigue uniforms in public places. This will surely advance the cause and the spirit of the Bangsamoro Framework Agreement," Army chief Lt. Gen. Emmanuel Bautista said.

Army spokesman Maj. Harold Cabunoc also said that the MILF's latest move is a positive step towards a lasting peace in Mindanao.

Almanzur’s order is line with the framework signed last October 15 at the MalacaÅ„ang Palace by the peace panels of the government and the MILF.

The peace agreement aims to pave the way for the establishment of the new autonomous political entity, the Bangsamoro, to replace the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. - Jaime Laude

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