Abra eyes development of renewable energy potential

BANGUED, Abra – Abra province is endowed with huge potential for renewable energy development, the Abra Electric Cooperative (Abreco) said amid the challenges posed at the power sector regarding ecology and fossil fuel concerns.

With the EPIRA law’s mandate to distribution utilities  to develop their own source of energy, Abra has a number of potential spots for min hydro, said Abreco general manager Loreto Seares Jr.

Citing a feasibility study, Seares said the best spot to develop a mini-hydro power plant is in Daguioman, Abra.

Daguioman is endowed with rich water resources, the Abreco executive said, and has great potentials for eco-tourism, power, and water resource development.

Earlier, the Upper Bucloc River that runs through Daguioman has been identified as  a possible power source.

When developed, Seares Jr. said, the mini-hydro will protect the vast forest and watershed resources of that town.

Abra Rep. Jocelyn Bernos,  vice-chair of the House Committee on Electric Cooperative Development,  is supporting Abreco’s strategy in pursuing a renewable energy perspective in looking for power sources that would completely energize the province with its own resources, Seares said. 

“The congresswoman has promised to look for an entity that will develop, build, and operate jointly with Abreco, the said Mini-Hydro Power Plant in Daguioman,” he said.

However, Bernos has said that any entity (entering into an agreement with Abreco), should have a verifiable track record and experience in the development, construction, and operation of a mini-hydro power plant  and link its  expertise and capabilities to develop the Daguioman mini-hydro power plant.

Abreco, through the financial assistance of Bernos, has provided primary and secondary line extensions to sitio Tambor, Barangay Alinaya in Pidigan town and Likowan, Antuagan in hinterland Tubo town,  Seares said

At present, 26 out of 27 towns in the province have electricity.  Out of 303 barangays, Abreco is servicing at least 95 percent. - Artemio A. Dumlao


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