Jilted man guns down girlfriend with rifle

BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines  – A 19-year-old college coed in San Pablo, Isabela was shot dead with an Armalite rifle by her boyfriend last Saturday after she ended their relationship, police said.

Police said Cherry Ann Delgado, 19, a senior student at the Isabela State University-Cabagan campus, was killed allegedly by her boyfriend, a certain Rocky Baui, 25, who is now at large.

“His (Baui’s) family fears that he might commit suicide. But we are taking all efforts to apprehend him,” said Senior Superintendent Franklin Mabanag, Isabela police director.

Citing reports, Mabanag said Baui became despondent after Delgado broke up with him. 

Mabanag said five empty M-16 Armalite shells were recovered at the crime scene in Bingguang village in San Pablo town.

“From what we gathered so far, there was no third person involved, only that the victim might have really wanted to break up with the suspect,” he said.   

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