Slain Vizcaya lawyer's brother doubts ex-judge's role in slay

BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines – The mayor-brother of a slain human rights lawyer here has expressed doubt on the claim of a recaptured New Bilibid Prison (NBP) escapee that a former local judge masterminded the killing.

Mayor Aurelio Salunat, brother of slain lawyer Ernesto Salunat, said they don’t believe that it was former Judge Jose Rosales of the regional trial court (RTC) here who masterminded the slay. 

Rosales, 76, former executive judge of RTC Branch 27, was charged by the police last Sept. 3 in connection with the lawyer’s killing.

A top-notch lawyer here, Salunat had just come from the court to check trial schedules and was about to board his car when he was shot by one of two motorcycle-riding men on June 22, 2010.

Salunat succumbed to four bullets wounds in the head.

Police based its case against Rosales on the testimony of NBP inmate Rommel Laciste, a murder convict, who claimed that the former judge paid him P100,000 for killing Salunat.

Laciste’s allegation was corroborated by Aries Valentin, his alleged driver-lookout, who police would present as star witness in the case.

Laciste made the extra-judicial confession before he was turned to the NBP after being recaptured in Isabela, his home province, last Aug. 26, or 11 days after he disappeared in mysterious circumstances from the national penitentiary.

“I don’t have a single belief that Judge Rosales could do it. He is a God-fearing person. I believe that they just want to confuse or cover up the information (on the real perpetrator). It is very unfair to the old man,” Mayor Salunat said. 

The mayor said he believes that the killing of his brother, who served as campaign manager of the Liberal Party in the province in the last elections, might have something to do with his job and the real property cases that he was handling.

Earlier, the slain lawyer’s daughter, Early Joy, also had expressed surprise and disbelief that Rosales was implicated in her father’s killing.

In a press statement, Rosales, once dubbed as the region’s “hanging judge” for having the most number of death convictions, denied having any hand in the killing.

“This charge against me could have been a laughable matter not deserving of any response, but its subject is so serious, and the police seem to be very serious and must have believed the ghost story of (a) convicted criminal and his cohort,” he said.

The local chapter of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines is set to issue a manifesto of support for Rosales. 

“Nobody in Nueva Vizcaya and elsewhere believe that Judge Rosales is capable of such a matter being imputed to him,” said lawyer Reonel Saddul, former board member and IBP president here. 

“It’s very unfortunate that he has to suffer such allegations, which seem to be well orchestrated now that he should be enjoying the twilight years of his life,” said Vice Gov. Jose Gambito, once at law student of Rosales at the University of the East. 

“It is not in his personality to consider extrajudicial means. What reason would he have to have Atty. Salunat killed?” asked Solano Mayor Philip Dacayo, also a lawyer.

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