Flashfloods affect 500 Mindoro folk

MANILA, Philippines - About 500 people or 100 families in Oriental Mindoro have been affected by flashfloods caused by heavy rainfall triggered by a low pressure area, an official said yesterday.

Office of Civil Defense-Mimaropa head Eugene Cabrera said at least 22 people have been brought to evacuation centers while the rest are staying with their relatives.

He said flashfloods hit parts of Calapan City and the towns of Naujan, Mansalay, and Baco.

The weather bureau warned yesterday the public against possible flashfloods and landslides as widespread rains are expected over some parts of the country in the next few days due to two weather systems.

The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration said a new low pressure area was spotted yesterday at 160 kilometers east of Borongan, Eastern Samar.

Meanwhile, the tail-end of a cold front continues to affect central and southern Luzon and eastern Visayas.

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