Over 4,000 overstaying AFP personnel to be reassigned

MANILA, Philippines - Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Lt. Gen. Jessie Dellosa has ordered the reassignment of more than 4,000 military personnel who have been overstaying in their respective posts.

AFP spokesman Col. Arnulfo Burgos Jr. said the move was intended to promote transparency and professionalism in the military.

In a statement, Burgos said Dellosa “sees it fit to further implement the rotation of overstaying AFP personnel as an opportunity to practice military professionalism in the organization.”

Burgos said more than 4,000 AFP personnel overstaying in various positions in the General Headquarters and unified areas beyond the ideal period of three years will be the subject of the rotation.

Among those affected by the move are more than 20 officers who have occupied finance and logistics posts for more than three years.

Last month, Dellosa confirmed to The STAR the reassignment of finance and logistics officers, saying this was intended to advance their careers.

Some of these officers have reportedly performed finance and logistics-related tasks for as long as seven years.

“If you care about your career, you would want to be transferred (to another office) after two or three years,” a military source said in an earlier interview.

Burgos said the reassignment would be implemented in three phases, namely the identification of personnel due for rotation, implementation and completion of the rotation, and the evaluation phase.

He said the rotation does not seek to hamper the operations of affected units or offices.

“It is only imperative for any government organization to exercise all means in ensuring that sensitive positions, especially that of finance and logistics, are held by accountable, professional and skilled individuals,” Burgos said.

He said some soldiers have stayed for more than three years in their posts because of their good performance.

“Some of them know their jobs well. Sometimes the commanders want them retained in their posts because of their performance,” he told The STAR in a phone interview.

Burgos said there is nothing anomalous if a soldier stays in his assignment for more than three years. He, however, admitted that overstaying in an assignment could hamper a soldier’s career.

Burgos said the rotation would give priority to soldiers who have held their positions beyond 10 years. Their reassignment will be implemented in the second quarter of this year.

Those who have been staying in their posts for six to nine years will be reassigned in the third quarter. On the other hand, soldiers who have held their posts for three to five years will be moved in the fourth quarter.

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