Palace earmarks P55 M for rice terraces rehab

BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya ,Philippines  – Malacañang has allocated P55 million for the rehabilitation of the Ifugao Rice Terraces.

The bulk of the budget will be coursed through the Department of Agriculture that will implement the terraces’ agriculture concerns, including the repair of irrigation systems damaged by recent typhoons.

“There has been no release yet. But (Secretary Proceso Alcala) committed the P55 million for (the terraces’) irrigation (facility) aside from the farm-to-market roads and other packages during his visit here,” Ifugao Rep. Teddy Baguilat said.

The fund will also be used to repair the terraces’ eroded rice paddies and slopes.

Ifugao Gov. Eugene Balitang earlier said they were following up a P20 million fund from the Office of the President, which they requested in the aftermath of typhoons Pedring and Quiel, which aggravated the damage to the rice terraces.

The Ifugao Rice Terraces has also suffered from infestation of giant worms.

Balitang said some P200 million is needed to fully rehabilitate the ter­races.

Local officials and other sectors have been drumming up local and international support for the rehabilitation of the terraces, described as one of the world’s architectural wonders.


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