DDB turns over P6 million for Dagupan City rehab center

DAGUPAN CITY, Philippines – There’s now hope for drug dependents with the construction of the stalled Drug Rehabilitation Center here expected to push through following the release of an initial P6 million from the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) Tuesday.

Secretary Antonio Villar Jr., DDB chairman, led members of the DDB Board in their meeting at their Quezon City office in handing over to Dagupan City Vice Mayor Belen Fernandez two checks totaling P6 million as partial release of the P10-million fund approved for the rehab center in Barangay Bonuan Binloc.

Villar said he wants to leave a legacy in his home-province by helping complete the construction of the center.

DDB Undersecretary Edgar Galvante said, “Our good chairman (Villar) believes that charity begins at home.”

Villar was impressed at Fernandez’s efforts against illegal drugs as she spearheaded the launching of “Barkada Kontra Droga” here graced by Villar last May. 

Unlike other officials, Villar said Fernandez spends her own money in implementing pro-youth projects.

The remaining P4 million for the rehab center will be released as soon as the recipient agency has properly submitted its accounting report on the progress of the construction, Villar said.

Fernandez said, “This will go a long way in our concerted efforts to prevent drug addiction and to bring back to productive life as well those who had fallen victim to illegal drug use.” 

Fernandez turned over the two DDB checks yesterday to the management of the government-owned Region 1 Medical Center here under Dr. Roland Mejia that will handle the implementation of the project and the operation of the rehab center.

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