CA junks gov't plea vs jai alai

MANILA, Philippines - The Court of Appeals (CA) has junked the bid of the government to lift an order temporarily stopping the implementation of its campaign against the jai alai off-fronton betting operations of Meridien Vista Gaming Corp. purportedly being used as front for jueteng.

In a 16-page resolution released yesterday, the CA’s former special sixth division issued a writ of preliminary injunction and permanently stopped the Department of Justice and Department of the Interior and Local Government from carrying out a joint memorandum circular instructing law enforcers, local government units and public prosecutors to “immediately eliminate illegal jai alai off-fronton betting operations all over the country.”

The CA cited “judicial courtesy” as basis for its order, saying that since the case has been elevated to the Supreme Court, “there is a strong probability that the issues before the higher court would be rendered moot and moribund as a result of the continuation of the proceedings in the lower court or court of origin.”

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