Drive vs loose firearms pushed

CAMP FLORENDO, La Union, Philippines – Police operatives in the four provinces of the Ilocos region have stepped up campaign to control the proliferation of loose firearms, particularly those in the possession of criminal elements including private armed groups.

Chief Superintendent Orlando Mabutas, Ilocos police director, said the intensified campaign is embodied in the implementing plan of “Kontra Boga-Bravo,” which prescribes the operational guidelines in conducting drive against loose firearms throughout the region.

“Under this project, all police operatives in the provinces of La Union, Ilocos Sur, Pangasinan and Ilocos Norte shall vigorously spearhead the government’s continuing campaign against loose firearms in the possession of organized crime groups, private armies and other threat groups, focusing on crime-prone areas,” Mabutas said. 

Mabutas said that policemen will make an effort to reach at least two percent monthly reduction of existing loose firearms possessed by criminal elements. 

“The principal target of our operations will be unregistered and unlicensed firearms as well as those with expired or unrenewed licenses,” he said.

Police drive against unregistered firearms will involve dragnet operations in crime-prone areas, strict implementation of Oplan Bakal and Oplan Sita, conduct of mobile checkpoint and chokepoint operations, intelligence build-up, and application and service of search warrants.              

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