5 Clark executives face graft raps

MANILA, Philippines - Five ranking officials of the Clark International Airport Corp. (CIAC) and Clark Development Corp. (CDC) and six other individuals are facing a graft complaint before the Office of the Ombudsman.

They were accused of causing the demolition of 17 economically repairable and serviceable buildings worth P33.5 million at the Clark Freeport Zone two months ago.

Named respondents were CIAC president and chief exe-cutive officer Victor Jose Luciano, manager Silverio Clemente, and airport engineering department chief Ruel Angeles.

Also named were CDC assistant manager Arnel Pineda and building utilities regulatory department manager Tarcicius Tiotuyco.

Candaba, Pampanga Mayor Jerry Pelayo, the president of the Municipal Agricultural and Fisheries Council, and a representative of the Sta. Maria Dapdap, Mandawe Farmers Association accused them of conspiring with the heads of two tribal groups and four private individuals who carried out the demolition.

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