New Cebu lawmaker to Nograles: Swear me in

MANILA, Philippines - With only three more session days left before Congress goes on election break, a losing candidate in Cebu who recently won an election protest in the Supreme Court yesterday called on Speaker Prospero Nograles to immediately implement the tribunal’s order.

Celestino Martinez III, who managed to unseat incumbent Rep. Benhur Salimbangon of Cebu’s fourth district, expressed hope that Nograles would be gentleman and honorable enough to make good his promise to administer his oath of office.

“I don’t see any other legal impediment that would prevent me from taking my rightful seat as congressman. The SC had already ruled on the issue with finality. I hope he will have the good conscience to implement the SC order,” Martinez told newsmen.

Martinez revealed that he and Nograles struck a “gentleman’s agreement” last week wherein the Speaker agreed to administer his oath of office at the plenary hall, to make his entry to the chamber official.

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