Security tightened in 2 cities in Basilan

ZAMBOANGA CITY, Philippines – Security has been tightened in the Basilan cities of Isabela and Lamitan, as government troops have contained the movements of Moro rebels and Abu Sayyaf bandits holding four people hostage in the mountains of the province, the military said.

This, as tension gripped the cities of Isabela and Lamitan amid threats that the Abu Sayyaf and rogue forces of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) would stage diversionary attacks.

Isabela residents, who used to frequent the public plaza near the provincial capitol, have opted to rush home early due to the threats.

The military has put measures in place to counter the threats, with Marines guarding the two cities, said Rear Admiral Alexander Pama, chief of Naval Forces Western Mindanao and head of Task Force Trillium.

“It (diversionary attack) is not unexpected inasmuch as we try to contain them and they would try to find a way to breach the security,” Pama said.

Pama said combined Marine and police forces have contained the movements of the kidnappers in Al-Barka town while efforts to negotiate their victims’ release are exhausted.

“We know where they are, we know the people holding the hostages,” Pama said.

The four captives are Dr. Orlando Fajardo, vice president of the Basilan State College; Chinese nationals Bo Shung Tan alias Michael Tan and Zi Shun Lu alias Oscar Lu, and Donald John Capili.

The Abu Sayyaf abducted Fajardo last Dec. 10 and demanded P20-million ransom for his release, while the two Chinese nationals were seized in Maluso town last Nov. 10.

Capili, 19, of Liloy, Zamboanga del Norte, has been held hostage since Aug. 28 in the mountains of Al-Barka town.

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