Pacquiao, Chiongbian to vie for Sarangani Congress seat

KORONADAL CITY, Philippines – The influential Chiongbian family in Sarangani has chosen a top honcho of a shipping firm to be their bet to knock down boxing champion Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao in the upcoming congressional fight in the pro­vince in 2010.  

Former Sarangani Gov. Priscilla Chiongbian said the family has chosen Roy Chiongbian, a top executive of Eastern Shipping Lines and said to be the “gatekeeper” of the vast Chiongbian business empire involved in shipping, real estate, agri-business and others, as their official candidate for Congress come 2010 in the province.

Roy is the youngest brother of incumbent Sarangani Rep. Erwin Chiongbian and the son of 80-year-old Priscilla, known as “mother” of the said province.

The anointment of Roy reportedly has the “blessings” and full-backing of the leaders, supporters and loyalists of the Chiongbians.

Priscilla said among the family members, Roy is the “best choice” to defeat Pacquiao, whose candidacy is said to be boosted by his fame and fortune he generated in knocking-down the best boxers of Mexico, including the famous Oscar “Golden Boy” Dela Hoya and Juan Manuel Marquez.

Strong contender

Chiongbian’s party leaders admitted that Pacquiao is a strong contender for congressional post, citing his popularity and wealth, but they believed it cannot bring him to victory.

South Cotabato 1st District Rep. Darlene Antonino Custodio had proven it when she ran against Pacquiao in the 2007 congressional race in the said province.

The result, Custodio won against Pacquiao with a big margin of votes.

Malungon town Mayor Reynaldo Constantino, political adviser of Pacquiao, reportedly welcomed the entry of Roy Chiongbian in the congressional ring.

“It’s the right of anyone to follow his own destiny, but ultimately it is the people who will decide,” said Constantino, who was quoted by a local community paper circulating in South Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani and General Santos City (Socsksargen) area, saying it.

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