Ilocos PNP best regional police office

CAMP FLORENDO, La Union – The Police Regional Office 1 based here was adjudged, for three consecutive years, as the best police regional office nationwide during the 18th anniversary of the Philippine National Police on Monday in Camp Crame.

Ilocos police director Chief Superintendent Luizo Ticman received the award from President Arroyo and PNP chief Director General Jesus Versoza during the awarding ceremony at the PNP Multi-Purpose Center.

“Our police regional office in Region 1 earned the highest score in the search and bested all police regional offices in the country for the year 2008. We are happy and proud for this award which is truly a manifestation of PRO1’s culture of excellence. Holding this top recognition for three consecutive years is really one for the books, an extra-ordinary record that underscores the prominence of the Region 1 police,” Ticman said.

The award was based on the result of the final evaluation conducted by the national headquarters of the PNP Field Evaluation and Validation Team headed by Director Silverio Alarcio Jr., the chief of the PNP’s Directorate for Operations.

PRO1 is now a five-time winner of the national Best PRO award. – Jun Elias

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