Zambo Sur priests still face kidnap threats

ZAMBOANGA CITY – A number of foreign priests assigned in remote areas of Zamboanga del Sur have been working under tight security as kidnapping threats remain, an Italian priest here said.

Fr. Sebastiano d’Ambra, chairman of the dialogue movement Sillasilah, issued the statement following the spate of kidnappings of civilians by the Abu Sayyaf and other armed groups in Basilan.

D’Ambra said some priests have remained as possible targets.

Among the former kidnap victims were Fr. Luciano Benedetti and Fr. Giancarlo Bossi, who was snatched last year in Payao, Zamboanga Sibugay.

“I know that some of our priests in Zamboanga del Sur work with some escorts,” he said.

The military earlier confirmed the threats and put security measures in place to protect priests working in known critical places in the region.

D’Ambra appealed to local government leaders and other stakeholders to do something to curb kidnappings.

“It is not enough to condemn. We have responsibility,” he said.

Authorities in Basilan are currently working for the release of an aid worker and a nursing student held by the Abu Sayyaf.

Basilan Vice Gov. Al-Rasheed Sakalahul, designated chief negotiator, said the negotiations for the freedom of Merlie “Millet” Mendoza were left to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), while the fate of Joed Anthony Pilanga, a nursing student of Ateneo de Zamboanga University, has not been known.

Relatives of Mendoza said they have been receiving text messages from the kidnappers demanding $1.5-million ransom.

On the other hand, Pilanga’s family disclosed that the hostage-takers demanded P20 million for his release.

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