Trader, wife killed in Davao ambush

DAVAO CITY – Unidentified armed men killed Monday night a rice trader and his wife just when they arrived at their own home in Matina Aplaya, this city.

Authorities identified the victims as Rene Cajoles and his wife Molly, rice traders who own a National Food Authority outlet here in Agdao Public Market.

The couple’s son, Rene Jr. was also hit in the shooting incident wherein investigators recovered at least 21 empty shells of .45 caliber pistol. The son underwent yesterday a surgical intervention as his situation was deemed critical by attending physicians.

Police are pursuing various angles that could possibly point to what could be the motive of the killing.

Reports showed the couple and their two children just arrived home and were still in their vehicle when suspected armed men suddenly fired at them.  

The couple’s other child who was with them in the vehicle survived the incident as he was said to have docked when the shooting started.       – Edith Regalado

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