Comelec girds for ARMM poll automation

Preparations for the automated elections in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) are now in “full speed.”

This, as the Commission on Elections (Comelec) yesterday forged a P125-million contract for the purchase of optical mark reader (OMR) machines to be used in the Aug. 11 ARMM elections.

“Damn with the torpedoes and full speed ahead,” Comelec Chairman Jose Melo said after the contract signing with the American-Filipino company Avante International Technology Inc.

Comelec officials expressed confidence that there would be no more stoppages before the automated ARMM election as the poll body was on schedule with preparations for the computerized polls.

Ernesto del Rosario, Comelec director and ARMM election program manager, said the poll body did not foresee any problems that could hamper the implementation of the poll automation.

He said the poll body will test the new technology from June 16 to July 17, and train election personnel from June 27 to July 11.

Comelec will carry out mock elections on July 18, and Del Rosario expressed confidence that it would take only 12 hours to announce the newly elected ARMM officials, thanks to the automated system.

Melo gave assurances that the Comelec would do a good job because “this will be in preparation for the 2010 presidential elections.”

The Comelec had previously opted to junk the planned ARMM poll automation but eventually decided to push through in order to pave the way for the automated elections in 2010.

Earlier, the Comelec had chosen Smartmatic-Sahi Technology Inc. to supply the direct recording electronic technology (DRE), which allows voting through touch-screens.

DRE and OMR, which requires voters to fill in electronic ballots that will be tabulated by machines, are the two new technologies to be used in the automated polls as provided under the law.

About 1.7 million ARMM voters are expected to cast their votes to elect the governor, vice governor, and 27 members of the Regional Legislative Assembly.

ARMM comprises the provinces of Maguindanao, Shariff Kabunsuan, Lanao del Sur, Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi, and the cities of Marawi and Lamitan.

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