Cops secure pilgrim sites in Cagayan Valley

SANTIAGO CITY – Police have put in place security measures in various pilgrimage sites across the region where hundreds of devotees are expected to spend their time this Holy Week.

“We already have a memorandum of agreement with the Department of Transportation and Communications and other agencies to ensure the safety of commuters, especially those going to various religious sites,” said Chief Superintendent Amelito Tolentino, Cagayan Valley police director.

Pilgrims are expected to trek to Dariok Hill, this city’s highest peak in Barangay Balintocatoc, which has been transformed into a religious site with large images of Jesus Christ’s passion, death and resurrection.

Mayor Amelita Navarro said the transformation of the once idle Dariok Hill, which overlooks the city’s downtown area, into one of the region’s major pilgrimage sites was the result of contributions from the devotees themselves and other generous individuals from outside the province.

In Nueva Vizcaya, the Bangan Hill in Bayombong, the capital town, is also a favorite Lenten destination of devotees from the region’s southern part.

The Bayombong diocese led by Bishop Ramon Villena is organizing Bangan’s yearly religious event re-enacting Christ’s passion, crucifixion and resurrection.

In Cagayan, Holy Week for the Catholic-dominated residents will not be complete without trooping to Mount Calvary in Iguig town and the miraculous Our Lady of Piat in the province’s southwestern part where the Basilica Minore is also located.

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