MacArthur marker unveiled in Cagayan de Oro

Cagayan de Oro City Mayor Constantino Jaraula led local officials and guests who included former President Fidel Ramos and representatives of the United States, in yesterday’s inauguration of the MacArthur Memorial Marker at the Macabalan wharf.

Addressing hundreds of guests who witnessed the historic event, Jaraula said the MacArthur Memorial Marker symbolizes the dedication and determination of Gen. Douglas MacArthur to defend the bond of friendship between the US and the Philippines.

Jaraula said the marker puts Cagayan de Oro in the limelight of world history because of its significant role in the Liberation Trail.

He said he takes pride in seeing the realization of the marker that was funded through donations from private individuals and companies and implemented only six weeks ago.

For his part, Ramos commended the spirit of brotherhood among Cagayanons that made the inauguration of the marker possible.

The inauguration of the memorial marker coincided with the 66th anniversary of MacArthur’s landing at the Macabalan wharf on his escape to Australia via the Del Monte airstrip in Diklum, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon.

Gracing the inauguration were representatives of the Joint United States Military Advisory Group (JUSMAG) led by Lt. Col. Frederick Riker; former US Ambassador John Maisto, representing Dr. Henry Howard, president of the US Water Llc and one of the major donors of the marker; and Dr. Juan Montero II of the Norfolk Sister City Association in Norfolk, Virginia.

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