China papers declare war on 'fake' news

BEIJING (AFP) - Dozens of state-controlled Chinese newspapers have vowed to crack down on faked news reports following a TV piece about buns filled with cardboard that was later declared bogus, state media said Sunday.

At least 60 newspapers have signed a declaration "to root out fabricated news in all newspapers and rebuild the credibility of the media," Xinhua news agency said, quoting the State Press and Publication Administration.

The declaration follows a Beijing TV report last month that street vendors were selling baozi, a popular bun-like snack usually filled with meat or vegetables, containing chemically-softened cardboard.

The broadcast came amid mounting reports of dangerous Chinese foods and merchandise and caused embarrassment for the government, which had previously accused foreign media of sensational reporting on the health scares.

Beijing TV subsequently declared the report a hoax and apologized.

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