Reds back MILF attack on military, says its 'justified'

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) on Thursday said the counter-attack launched by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) against the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) last Tuesday in Basilan "was fully justified in the face of the treacherous attacks by the AFP."

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal commended the armed fighters of the MILF for "their active defense and militant posture against AFP incursions into their territory in violation of the standing ceasefire agreement between the MILF and the Philippine government."

At least 14 soldiers of the AFP were killed in clashes that erupted Tuesday in Tipo Tipo town in southern Basilan. According to Mohagher Iqbal, MILF negotiator, AFP troops attacked an MILF stronghold in the area, forcing their fighters to counter-attack. Iqbal reported that four MILF members were also killed in the firefight.

Rosal noted that this is but the latest of the AFP's treacherous attacks against the MILF showing the Arroyo regime's lack of interest in further pursuing peace negotiations. "The Arroyo regime and the AFP are using any and all possible pretexts to carry out attacks against MILF fighters and trespass into MILF territory."

"The CPP and New People's Army (NPA) commend the fighters of the MILF for firmly holding on to their weapons and using these to defend their rights and territory," said Rosal.

He added, "With or without peace talks, the effectivity of the MILF's defense and pursuit of the interests of the Moro people ultimately depend on how firmly they stand with respect to their revolutionary armed struggle for self-determination and social liberation."

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