Army attempts to plant .5-M seedlings in CL

The Philippine Army attempts to plant half-a-million seedlings in just one day, in today’s massive tree planting in Central Luzon in its bid to re-green denuded forests in the region’s six provinces and to promote environmental awareness.

Battalions of soldiers will be reinforced by thousands of teachers and students coming from 947 public elementary and high schools in Pampanga, Tarlac, Nueva Ecija, Aurora, Bataan, and Zambales in the tree planting.

The simultaneous tree planting kicks off at 8 a.m. at the Lubao Elementary School in Lubao, Pampanga, hometown of President Arroyo.

Army spokesman Maj. Ernesto Torres said today’s activity is the Army’s contribution to Berdeng Pilipinas, a project of the national government to re-green denuded forest areas.

"The simultaneous planting of more than 500,000 seedlings is a feat that may be considered for the Guinness Book of World Records," he said.

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