Dismantling of Laguna Lake structures continues

Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Angelo Reyes vowed yesterday to clear Laguna lake of all illegal structures to prevent ecological disaster due to excess fish pens in the area.

Reyes issued the statement as the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) have started the demolition of illegal fish pens at Laguna de Bay, following the expiration of the deadline given to illegal fish pen operators last Aug. 31 to voluntarily demolish their structures.

The deadline was set by Reyes and LLDA chairman Cirio Santiago to clear the lake once and for all of illegal structures.

According to a DENR fact sheet, Laguna lake covers a total area of 90,000 hectares.

The LLDA has allocated 5,000 hectares for fish cage operations, while another 10,000 hectares had been set aside for fish pens.

While the area allocated for fish cages had not been fully occupied, the area set for fish pens was over-extended by 2,418 hectares. Fish cages, however, occupy only 1,849 hectares.

A total of 267.94 hectares have been planned to be initially cleared of illegal structures.

Of the eight structures within the area outside of the legal limits, four have already been demolished. Two were demolished by their own operators, while the other two were demolished with the help of the LLDA.

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