Malaysian Navy arrives for counter terrorism exercises

ZAMBOANGA CITY — Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) personnel arrived here yesterday to stage joint counter-terrorism exercises with the Philippine Navy to prevent terrorists from utilizing the waters in southern Philippines for their activities.

The exercise, dubbed as Maritime Exercises (MAREX 03-05), will be held as the US government started to freeze the assets of the al-Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf group.

The 40 RMN personnel aboard two Malaysian Naval patrol gunboats arrived at the Majini Pier of the Naval Forces Western Mindanao (NFWM) for the weeklong joint exercises that will culminate in the sea waters of Malaysia.

They were accorded with arrival honors by Navy Capt. Roberto Santos, chief of Task Force 61.

"The MAREX aims to enhance the capability of both naval forces of the two countries in the war against terrorism," Commodore Rufino Lopez Jr., NFWM chief said.

The Philippine Navy will also deploy about the same number of personnel to complement the Malaysian forces.

The PN and the RMN are to sign today a joint statement signaling the kick off ceremony of the maritime exercises.

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