Strike cripples Vizcaya’s business capital

SOLANO, Nueva Vizcaya — The more than 4,000 tricycle operators and drivers here went on full strike yesterday to press the local government to approve their petition for a fare increase amid the continuing increase of prices of petroleum products.

The strike has affected thousands of residents, especially students as well as government and private workers in this province’s premier commercial town, as tricycle operators and drivers protest the alleged inaction of the municipal council in their petition for a fare hike.

Erwin Bravo of the Solano Tricycle Operators and Drivers Association said that they were demanding a fare hike from a minimum of P6 to P8 per passenger so that they can cope with the rising cost of fuel and vehicle maintenance.

Local tricycle groups vowed to extend their strike if the municipal council, which is empowered to determine and approve tricycle fares operating within its territorial jurisdiction, continues to sit on their request.

Earlier, town councilor Regie Valdez said the municipal council’s transportation committee is still studying the fare proposal in the wake of a two-year moratorium on increases of tricycle fares as agreed upon by the local government and the local tricycle associations.

However, Valino said that they would favor a fare hike since prices of petroleum products are increasing almost every week, making it hard for operators and drivers to cope with the daily cost of living.

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