Troops to secure Leyte geothermal plant

PALO, Leyte — The police regional office here dispatched additional troops to ensure the security of the Geothermal Power Plant in Tongonan, Kananga, Leyte following the recent NPA raid on one of the drilling facilities of the Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC).

Deputy Regional Director for Operations Senior Supt. Edwin Pflieder told The STAR that one company from the Police Regional Mobile Group (PRMG) was sent to the area to augment the forces manning the geothermal sites.

However, Pflieder said there is no reason to be alarmed as far as economic sabotage is concerned.

"We are still on top of the situation and the PNP considered the incident as the regular work of bandits and those working for a cause," he said.

With the additional police troops, there are now two PRMG companies stationed at the geothermal plant, which provides some 700 megawatts power supply in the area and is said to be the biggest geothermal source in the world.

Police investigation showed that the Communist Party of the Philippines/New People’s Army (CPP/NPA) was behind the raid on PNOC’s drilling facility to press its demand for revolutionary tax.

Unconfirmed reports reaching the Philippine National Police (PNP) headquarters revealed that the NPA has been demanding at least P50,000 to P100,000 monthly revolutionary tax from PNOC.

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