Petitions for Army unit’s pullout fake?

CATBALOGAN, Samar — Gov. Milagros Tan is hesitant to approve the supposed resolutions of 57 barangays seeking the pullout of the Army’s 52nd Infantry Battalion from Pinabactao town because they appear to be forged.

A staffmember of Tan, who requested anonymity, told The STAR the resolutions do not contain any date of approval and that some of the signatures on the resolutions are forged.

Endorsed by the Alliance of Poor Peasants for Genuine Progress and the Alliance of Barangay Officials, the resolutions were submitted to Tan’s office last May 13.

They were supposed to have been passed by the councils of 57 barangays in the towns of Villareal, Pinabacdao, San Sebastian, Calbiga and Hinabangan, all in Western Samar. Ricky Bautista

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