Air Phils. now flies to Manado

DAVAO CITY — President Arroyo inaugurated the maiden flight of Air Philippines from this city to Manado in North Sulawesi, Indonesia the other day.

The opening of more air linkages among members of the East ASEAN Growth Area (EAGA) — Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines — is part of the government’s effort to boost cross-border trading and travel.

Air Philippines becomes the first Philippine carrier to mount direct passenger flights to EAGA destinations. Its Manado flight every Wednesday takes one hour and 15 minutes.

Aboitiz One began direct cargo flights to Manado last Jan. 22.

Air Philippines officials, led by board chairman Domingo Chua and president and chief operating officer Rogelio Narciso, boarded the inaugural flight.

EAGA has a market base of over 50 million consumers.

Also on the tourism front, the Philippines has yet to decide on the proposed ASEAN Tourist Agreement which seeks to scrap the travel tax for ASEAN nationals traveling within the region.

The Department of Tourism has requested the Department of Foreign Affairs to comment on the proposed agreement, particularly on the travel tax issue.

The agreement also seeks to allow travel agencies and tour operators in any ASEAN country to operate and provide tourism services in another member-nation through joint ventures or agency deals.

Under the agreement, the 10 member-countries of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) will jointly promote the region in the international market and join major tourism and trade fairs worldwide.

The agreement is expected to be signed during the ASEAN Summit in Cambodia in November this year.

During the 7th ASEAN Summit in Brunei Darrusalam last year, the association agreed to strengthen intra-regional cooperation by turning Southeast Asia into a "single tourist destination," among other initiatives. Edith Regalado and Pia Lee-Brago

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