Old ARMM problems to stay, leader warns

DAVAO CITY — The Arroyo administration should not be complacent just because it succeeded in putting into power its bet Dr. Parouk Hussin as next Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao governor, said Southern Philippines Development Authority (SPDA) Administrator Datu Zamzamin Ampatuan.

"It would not be smooth sailing ahead. There will be more problems ahead even if Hussin has been elected," Ampatuan said.

The Commission on Elections was set to proclaim yesterday Hussin and other new ARMM officials after the certificates of canvass would have been finally tallied.

Ampatuan explained that unless the government implements an effective mechanism in delivering service to the Muslims and other ethnic groups in Mindanao, it would not be able to arrest the current problems that Hussin’s leadership in the ARMM would bear.

He added also that just because former Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) chairman Nur Misuari is already out of the ARMM doesn’t mean there will be no more problems.

The government, Ampatuan said, should have already learned its lessons by now when it comes to addressing the problems of the Muslim and in particular, in running the ARMM.

"Government knows it failed when the ARMM leadership was under the MNLF with Misuari. It also failed to deliver its promises when the ARMM was controlled by the other faction, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), with then former Gov. Zacaria Candao. And now here comes Hussin who, in the first place, does not touch base among the Muslims," Ampatuan said.

He said Hussin would probably have a hard time especially since he owed his assumption to power to different groups such as the Arroyo administration, the local government officials in the region as well as those from the MNLF and other sectors.

"Hussin’s hands would be tied, and such a situation gives rise to more troubles, resentment and dissatisfaction among those groups," Ampatuan said.

He stressed that the culture of repayment of political debts still reigns strong not only among the Christians but also among the Muslims.

Besides, he said the members of the "Council of 15" could cause enough headache for the government later.

"Everybody in that Council of 15 thinks he is the next chairman. Government already had problems dealing with Misuari alone and now, it has to deal with 15 individuals who each has his own agenda," Ampatuan told The STAR.

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