Why Pinoy men cheat their wives

Machismo, peer pressure and influence of alcohol.

These were the primary reasons Filipino men gave for engaging in extramarital relationships in a study, "Determinants of Risky Behavior Related to Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Among Population Groups," which Dr. Sandra Tempongko of the University of the Philippines’ College of Public Health did in the cities of Baguio, Cebu and Davao.

Tempongko interviewed married and single men as well as women for her study.

The male respondents asserted that the "macho" concept was the most compelling reason that drove them to extramarital affairs. "Males feel that they are macho if they have several relationships," Tempongko said.

The study also noted that this machismo is challenged by peers during drinking sprees which Filipino men engage in for recreation and socialization.

The male respondents rationalized that alcohol pumps up their aggressiveness, leading them to engage in risky behaviors like seeking commercial sex.

Some respondents also cited other factors such as the refusal of their spouses to have sex on certain occasions and the inadequacy of their spouses to satisfy them sexually.

In group discussions, the respondents admitted being aware that they face the risk of acquiring STDs through commercial sex. "However, this knowledge, apparently, is not enough to deter them from engaging in this kind of behavior," Tempongko said.

Tempongko said her findings validated the fact that male infidelity, up to now, is tolerated in Filipino society.

"It is said that society feels that female infidelity results in far more negative consequences to family life," she said.

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