Gunman in housewife’s murder seen in CCTV video

A still from a closed-circuit television video shows a man, later identified as the killer of housewife Susan Tan-Uy, approaching the entrance to a store near the victim’s house minutes before she was attacked on Dec. 24, 2015.

MANILA, Philippines - Investigators strongly believe a man seen in a store’s closed-circuit television video is the man who gunned down a 63-year-old housewife in San Juan City on Christmas Eve last year.

The video came from a store on Mariposa street in Quezon City, where Susan Tan-Uy’s killer bought a beer as he was waiting for her to go out of her house, located on the same street, on the morning of Dec. 24, 2015.

A police investigator told The STAR that the gunman took off his helmet before going to the store to buy a bottle of beer.

Witnesses told police the gunman did not finish drinking his beer:  he ran to his companion, who was waiting on a motorcycle, as Tan-Uy’s Rav4 emerged from her garage. 

The San Juan police also have another surveillance video, this one showing the two suspects, both wearing helmets, on a motorcycle and closely following Tan-Uy’s car minutes before she was ambushed at the intersection of Ortigas Avenue and Wilson street.

A police artist prepared a facial composite of the gunman based on the video and witnesses confirmed he was the same man who bought a bottle of beer from the store.

The city police, however, has yet to release the facial composite.

Chief Superintendent Elmer Jamias, Eastern Police District director, said there have been developments in the case but refused to elaborate.

“My men are now in the field following up the case. Let’s wait for further developments,” Jamias told The STAR.

Investigators have yet to establish why Tan-Uy was killed.


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