Metro Manila residents to breathe cleaner air – DENR

MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has expressed confidence that Metro Manila residents will be able to breathe cleaner air starting this year.

DENR Secretary Ramon Paje said Friday the enforcement of a DENR order for gasoline stations to sell only Euro 4 fuel is a major factor in achieving cleaner air for the metropolis.

“We are very positive we can expect cleaner air. We already issued a policy on this for the oil companies to (follow),” Paje said in a news conference.

He noted that the Department of Energy also came out with a directive stating that Euro 4 gasoline and diesel are allowed for sale.

“In fact, motorists can now ask or demand if the gas loaded to their vehicles is Euro 4 compliant,” Paje said.

It was in March last year that the DENR issued a directive requiring the use of cleaner fuel starting July 1, 2015. The new emission requirement would comply with Euro 4 fuel standards instead of the current Euro 2.

According to Euro 4 standards, the emission of sulfur content both for diesel and gasoline should measure only 50 parts per million instead of the 500 ppm for Euro 2.

Benzene in gasoline, meanwhile, would measure only one percent by volume compared to five percent for Euro 2 fuel.

For aromatics, Euro 4 fuel would contain only 35 percent by volume, as opposed to Euro 2 fuel, which prescribes no limit.

 “Low-sulfur fuels will lead to reduced emissions of particulate matter. This particulate matter, along with other pollutants, can penetrate deeply into sensitive parts of the lungs and can worsen existing respiratory and heart diseases,” Paje said.

He clarified that Euro 4 fuel could be loaded in older vehicles.

Paje’s order also provides “that all new vehicles to be used or introduced into the Philippine market by January 2016 shall be equipped with Euro 4 engine and compliant with Euro 4 emission standards.”

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