Bank officer charged with Quezon City enforcer’s murder

MANILA, Philippines - A bank security officer who shot dead a 60-year-old traffic enforcer who issued him a traffic violation ticket was charged with murder before the Quezon City prosecutor’s office yesterday.

Alex Batacan, 39, officer-in-charge of the guards at a bank on West Avenue, was seen shooting Enrique Fresnido in the head when the enforcer, who belongs the city government’s department of public order and safety (DPOS), wrote him a ticket after he interfered with a mabuhay lanes clearing operation.

Government workers were clearing obstructions and towing motorcycles from West Avenue when Batacan intervened – some of the motorcycles belonged to the bank’s security guards.

When Fresnido wrote a ticket, as he was instructed to do, Batacan went into the bank. He returned with a gun and shot Fresnido.

Dexter Cardenas, DPOS traffic operations chief, said they will continue clearing West Avenue despite Fresnido’s death.

Batacan is currently detained at the Masambong police station.


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