LTFRB orders Uber: Explain violent driver

MANILA, Philippines - The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board has directed Uber System Inc. to answer why its accreditation should not be cancelled after the LTFRB received reports of an allegedly violent Uber driver.

In a show cause order dated Sept. 29, LTFRB legal division officer-in-charge Roberto Pieg said Uber should submit an explanation within five days. The agency set the hearing of the case on Oct. 6.

A passenger from Valle Verde 2 in Pasig complained that on Sept. 24, she rode an Uber-accredited vehicle whose driver, Niccolo Lizaso, allegedly “threw a fit” when she failed to put her exact location.

The complainant was going to a nearby fitness center.

LTFRB member Ariel Inton earlier said the board learned that Lizaso has yet to file an application for franchise as a transport network vehicle (TNV) driver of Uber.

“It appears on our investigation that this driver has no application for franchise as TNV. He has no provisional authority, which means that he is operating as ‘colorum.’ We will invite them to explain why they allowed drivers to operate even without application for franchise,” Inton said.

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