MMDA to sue motorist for hitting enforcer

MANILA, Philippines - The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority will file charges against a motorist who hit an MMDA enforcer at the intersection of EDSA and Annapolis street in San Juan yesterday morning.

The enforcer, Marlon Banban, was discharged from the East Avenue Medical Center yesterday afternoon after being treated for injuries on his face and right leg, MMDA Chairman Francis Tolentino said.

Banban, 34, was directing traffic at around 6 a.m. when a Ford Lynx (XAE 977) driven by Efren Glenn Catalbas hit him at around 6 a.m.

Banban fell to the pavement after hitting the car’s hood and windshield.

The MMDA said the car was coming out of Annapolis street and was crossing the yellow bus lane when the accident happened.

Traffic investigators are still conducting a probe of the incident.                


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