130 pass exam for aeronautical engineers

MANILA, Philippines - Over 130 passed the licensure examination for aeronautical engineers, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced Friday.

Gerome Nagbuya, a graduate of Patts College of Aeronautics, topped the exams with a score of 90.55 percent. 

Joey Edison Fernando of Mats College of Technology placed second with a grade of 89.95 percent.

Another Patts graduate Juan Lorenzo Ortega landed in third place with a score of 89.60 percent. Mary Nheza Acordon, a graduate of Holy Angel University, placed fourth with a grade of 89.55 percent.

Fifth placer was Patts graduate Charles Priam Hari, who obtained a grade of 89.50 percent followed by Holy Angel graduate Justine Patrick Bumanlag in sixth spot with a score of 89.15 percent.

Another Holy Angel University graduate Ed Ryan Guevarra ranked seventh with a score of 89.05 percent.

Joseph Christian Barrientos of Philippine State College of Aeronautics and Holy Angel University graduate Ma. Karra Isabelle Llamas tied in eighth spot with a score of 88.85 percent.

John Kevin Dizon, also of Philippine State College of Aeronautics, captured the ninth spot with a grade of 88.65 percent. Another Holy Angel University graduate Anjo Perlas completed the top 10 with a grade of 87.85 percent.

Registration for the issuance of professional identification cards and certificates of registration will start on Nov. 27.

Successful examinees should register personally and sign in the roster of registered professionals.

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