Messenger shot, robbed in Valenzuela

MANILA, Philippines - The Valenzuela police is looking into a modus operandi employed by motorcycle-riding robbers who rear-ended a company messenger’s motorcycle then shot and robbed him Saturday afternoon.

Jay Guiran was carrying P130,000 – intended as payment for his firm’s telephone bill – in his motorcycle’s compartment when a robber bumped his motorcycle along P. Santiago street in Barnagay Paso de Blas at around 2 p.m., city police chief Senior Superintendent Rhoderick Armamento said.

When Guiran stopped to check the damage, another robber shot him in the back. The robbers took his motorcycle as well as the money and sped off.

Guiran was taken to the Valenzuela General Hospital, where he is under observation.

Armamento said the suspects must have planned their moves and could have been studying the victim.                                             



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