7 nabbed in drug, sex orgy

MANILA, Philippines - Seven persons, including three women, were arrested for allegedly holding a drug and sex orgy at a house in Valenzuela City Tuesday night.

Jeffrey Sarmiento, Michael Dizon, Alvin Gonzales, Johnny Young, Fernena Hembra, Roxanne Zuñiga and Julie Ann Rubis were reportedly caught in a drug session in the house on Pablo street at around 7 p.m., Valenzuela police chief Senior Superintendent Rhoderick Armamento said.

“They were surprised to see us when we swooped into the house. They wanted to run but we had all the exits covered,” he said.

Armamento said an informant told them that after every drug session, the suspects would engage in a sex orgy.

Police officers recovered four sachets of shabu with a street value of P20,000 and drug paraphernalia.

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