Another suspect in Malabon slays yields

MANILA, Philippines - Another suspect in the killing of a Malabon City government employee and his son on Feb. 5 surrendered to authorities yesterday.

Aries Santos, 30, admitted masterminding the robbery but denied having a hand in the death of his uncle Ferlizardo Coraldez, 46, and his son Albert, 20.

Santos yielded to Malabon Mayor Antolin Oreta III at around 8 a.m. after he was picked up in Tanauan, Batangas by his relatives and local government negotiators, said city public information officer Bong Padua.

Padua said the suspect’s father and girlfriend negotiated with the city government regarding the surrender of Santos, who fled to Batangas for fear for his life.

Santos and his alleged cohort Anthony Sernechez, 26, are facing charges of robbery with homicide.

Sernechez, who surrendered to the Caloocan City police on Thursday, said it was Santos who masterminded the burglary.

He added that it was Santos who decided to kill the victims after Albert recognized him.

No hand in killing

But in an interview with The STAR, Santos denied participating in killing his uncle and cousin.

“I know I committed robbery, but I was surprised when I saw (on television) that they were dead,” he said in Filipino.

Santos confessed that he planned the robbery but said it was Sernechez – his cousin from his mother’s side – who prodded him to proceed with the crime when he thought of backing out.

According to him, he left Sernechez in the house after he got the keys of his uncle’s motorcycle.

Santos said the victims were still alive when he left.

The suspect said he decided to rob his uncle because he needed money for the pregnancy of his partner, Luisa.

“I don’t know where to get the money,” he said.

He apologized to the family of the victims, and asked them to believe his version of the story.

“I did not kill them,” he said.

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