Makati suspends anti-smoke belching drive Over reports of extortion

MANILA, Philippines - The Makati City government suspended its anti-smoke belching operations yesterday following allegations of extortion involving the anti-smoke belching unit (ASBU) enforcers.

In ordering the suspension of anti-smoke belching operations by the Makati Pollution and Control Office (MPCO), Mayor Jejomar Binay Jr. also ordered city administrator Eleno Mendoza to investigate the complaints.

Aside from allegations of extortion by some MPCO personnel, there are also reports that the enforcers failed to comply with the implementing guidelines of the local vehicle emission code and the Clean Air Act or Republic Act 8749.

Binay called on the public to file their complaints against MPCO personnel with the office of the city administrator.

Binay issued the suspension order after learning of several complaints posted on the city’s official Twitter accounts, @MakatiTraffic and @MakatiInfo, as well as on Facebook and on blogs.

Among the issues frequently raised by complainants was the improper conduct of roadside emission testing, particularly ASBU enforcers allegedly stepping too hard and long on the accelerator. Cases of extortion and harassment were also aired by netizens, as well as traffic jams arising from the conduct of ASBU operations in the city. Another complaint was their seeming indifference to smoke-belching public utility jeepneys and buses.

“The city government does not tolerate abusive law enforcers. We have suspended ASBU operations to make way for a thorough investigation on the complaints we have been receiving from a growing number of motorists venting their frustrations on social media,” Binay said.

Binay said ASBU operations in the city will remain suspended until the issues have been thoroughly investigated and resolved.

Binay also ordered MPCO chief Ricardo Suarez to move up the scheduled annual training program for enforcers, previously held during the second week of December, and subject them to intensive training while their operations are suspended.

Binay, however, called on motorists to be responsible citizens and see to it that their vehicles are well-maintained to contribute to the advocacy for cleaner air and a healthier environment.

“Let us not forget that the real intent of the Clean Air Act and all government activities emanating from it is to reduce air pollution especially in highly urbanized areas like Makati City, where over half a million motor vehicles, mostly running on fossil fuel, ply the road network daily,” he said.

Makati’s vehicle emission code, under Ordinance 2004-032, sets emission standards for motor vehicles and violators are fined P1,000 for the first offense, P2,000 for the second offense and P3,000 for the third offense. In all cases, the driver’s license, license plate or both will be confiscated and released to the owner when the vehicle passes the emission test.

The MPCO is the designated arm of the Makati Public Safety Department (also known as MAPSA) tasked to enforce the vehicle emission standards in the ordinance. At present, it has 31 enforcers tasked to conduct anti-smoke belching operations.


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