Pols beat opponents’ sons in Caloocan

MANILA, Philippines - Outgoing district one Rep. Oscar Malapitan and outgoing Mayor Enrico Echiverri won against each other’s sons in the mayoral and congressional race in Caloocan City yesterday.

Malapitan was proclaimed mayor while Echiverri took over the post vacated by Malapitan.

“I’m very very happy because now I can be called mayor-elect. One month left and I will assume the all the responsibilities of a city mayor,” Malapitan said, adding “I will fulfill my promises to my constituents.”

Malapitan was proclaimed after 98 percent of the votes from 785 clustered precincts in the city reached local Commission on Elections (Comelec) by yesterday afternoon.

Election officer Patrick Enaje said the votes that have yet to be canvassed “will no longer affect” the position of the winning candidates.

Based on that partial and official Comelec count, Malapitan garnered 246,486 votes as against Councilor Ricojudge Echiverri’s 170,025.

Among his promises during the campaign period was “to do a Binay” by turning Caloocan into a Makati City in terms of health care and education services.

Three hours before Malapitan’s proclamation, his orange-clad supporters filled the city hall. When he arrived at 6 p.m., the crowd cheered and chanted “Oca! Oca!” as they clapped their hands.

Although Malapitan “is very happy,” the 55-year-old politician said he still feels “sad” because his son, Dale Gonzalo Malapitan, lost to the elder Echiverri.

Based on Comelec records, Echiverri received 138,378 votes compared to the younger Malapitan, who got 125,355 votes.

The Comelec also proclaimed incumbent Vice Mayor Edgar Erice as the new congressman for the city’s second district.

Canvassers have yet to declare a winner for Caloocan’s vice mayoral post.

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