Estero de Paco rehab marker unveiled

MANILA, Philippines - Cabinet Secretary Rene Almendras and ABS-CBN Foundation Inc. (AFI) managing director Gina Lopez unveiled last April 10 a marker commemorating the public-private sector partnership to rehabilitate the Estero de Paco.

“This is a wonderful opportunity. When the government and the private sector come together and work together, there’s really no limit to what can be done,” said Almendras, who represented President Aquino during the unveiling of the marker.

The President’s Social Fund, which is managed by the Presidential Management Staff (PMS), donated P30 million to AFI’s Kapit Bisig para sa Ilog Pasig project in 2010.

According to AFI, P10 million went to the dredging and strengthening of the banks of the Estero de Paco; P15 million to the rehabilitation of Paco Market; and P5 million to the Bayanijuan in Calauan, Laguna, where more than 1,000 former riverbank settlers were relocated.

Lopez described Aquino as “the most environmental President.”

Almendras said there is no need to thank the President or PMS. He said the AFI should thank the taxpayers since “what we are doing is ensuring that the taxes are put to good use.”

Estero de Paco is one of the 47 esteros that drain into the Pasig River that is being rehabilitated by Kapit Bisig para sa Ilog Pasig and the Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission, in partnership with several government agencies and private water concessionaires Manila Water and Maynilad.

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